milch cow meaning in Chinese

Pronunciation:   "milch cow" in a sentence   "milch cow" meaning
  • milch:    adj. 有奶的,生乳的,挤奶用的。 a milch c ...
  • cow:    vt. 吓(倒),恐吓。 be cowed 被吓退[吓倒 ...
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  1. She see a group of milch cow standing under the tree
  2. Research on situation and mechanized cultivation of milch cow in xinzhou area in shanxi
  3. His interesting patient , jos , was a regular milch cow to the doctor …
    他那怪有趣的病人乔斯现在成了这医生最靠得住的摇钱树… … 。
  4. The boys are old enough to get a job . they are becoming the milch cow of the family
  5. Then the men did so , and took two milch cows and hitched them to the cart , and shut up their calves at home
    撒上6 : 10非利士人就这样行、将两只有乳的母牛套在车上、将牛犊关在家里。

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